In Memory of John Strung
We are very saddened to learn of the recent passing of John Strung. A founding partner of the firm, John retired from the practice of law in 2011 following a brilliant career.
John was a wonderful mentor and friend to many at the firm. He will be remembered for his kind, humble, and down-to-earth manner. He set a terrific example for others.
William Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, “Brevity is the soul of wit”, meaning that intelligent people can express themselves using few words. This was one of John’s talented traits. He had the ability to quickly get to the point, and he almost always had the correct answer to complicated questions.
On top of it all, those of us who were fortunate enough to work with John were able to witness his qualities as a loving and devoted husband and father. Our condolences to the Strung family. May John rest in peace.